Contest Question 2: Getting Creative With Office For Mac
The Mac Difference: At Your Office Setting up a PC-based law office network, with file sharing, permissions and shared printing is not an exercise for the faint of heart, and it often requires costly consultants (and your valuable time). The same set-up using Macs is often as easy as plug-and-play. Not only are Macs easier to set up and network than PCs, but the ongoing maintenance costs may be much less. For word processing operations, Microsoft has made a Mac version of its venerable Office suite available to Mac users for decades.
Documents created on a Mac using Word can be shared, read and fully edited by any PC user with a copy of Word. The same goes for Excel spreadsheets made on a Mac and for PowerPoint presentations, as well. Apple’s iWork suite is a reasonably priced, competent, direct competitor to Microsoft Office. The Apple iWork suite, consisting of Pages for word processing, Numbers for spreadsheets and Keynote for presentations, costs only $60 at Apple’s App Store, compared with $150 for Microsoft Office for Mac 2011. When compared with Microsoft Word, Apple’s Pages offers a much more intuitive interface and increased capability to integrate graphics, titles and charts easily and efficiently.
Apple Pages is compatible with Word—documents you created with Pages can be shared, read and edited almost seamlessly by Word users. Numbers is Apple’s spreadsheet program and a competitor to Excel. Numbers has the same basic capabilities as Excel, but adds an element of readability. With a Numbers spreadsheet, you have the ability to export your data to any number of easy-to-read templates.
Numbers can import and export Excel documents seamlessly. Keynote is Apple’s easier-to-use answer to PowerPoint. In Keynote, building elements in and out and creating motion (both within a slide and between slides) is easy and intuitive.
Guides snap elements into place, both on the slide and relative to each other. Graphics are wholly integrated into the presentation, meaning you’ll never again spend valuable time repairing a link to a photo or chart as PowerPoint users do. With a Mac, there’s more than just the ability to produce Office documents that you can easily share with a PC user, or the option to be more creative using Apple’s iWork suite. Apple’s operating system, OS X Lion, has a number of built-in advantages, as well.
By simply plugging in an external hard drive, Apple’s built-in Time Machine program provides you with an automatic, invisible and totally reliable backup of all your valuable data on the hour, every hour, every day. Restoring a document that you inadvertently saved over or deleted is as easy as entering Time Machine, selecting the most recent version, and clicking “Restore!” Should you ever lose your computer, or should your hard drive meet an unfortunate demise, everything can be reset on your replacement Mac.
Spotlight, which is integrated into Apple’s operating system, offers extensive search capability with the click of a mouse, allowing you to easily and quickly search your computer. Spotlight automatically indexes not only the title of your documents, but also the content of every document. In your office, at your desk, the Mac difference is apparent whether you’re writing a brief, drafting a contract, working on a client’s spreadsheet or preparing for your opening statement. However, that’s not the only place where the Mac competitive difference comes into play. On the Road When you’re on the road, you need your technology to work flawlessly. Many built-in features of the Mac operating system give busy attorneys an edge that’s lacking on even the most cutting-edge PCs.
Contest Question 2: Getting Creative With Office For Machine
For example, all Macs have the built-in ability to natively print directly to a PDF document—something that requires extra software on a PC. No matter where you are, you can print a document directly to a PDF that can then be shared with anyone in the world. The ability to integrate your iPhone and iPad with a Mac is also a huge advantage over PCs. With a Mac, your mail, calendar and contacts all sync—painlessly and wirelessly—with all of your other iDevices. This means that the contact information you entered into your iPhone for that new client is on your office Mac, as well as on your iPad at home. Macs also have many advantages when it comes to taking and organizing notes.
All Macs now come with a built-in iSight camera and quality microphone, something you won’t find on most PCs. While this is useful for FaceTime video conferences with friends, it can also come in handy on the road. You can have a client “sign” a document using Apple’s built-in PDF software, Preview and the iSight camera. Have your client sign a blank page, show it to the iSight camera, and Preview does the rest. SpeakWrite is available for your iPhone, iPad and your computer, and allows you to dictate a letter, including attachments, in very short order.
You receive the finished product via email as a Word document for about a penny a word. Evernote , also available for your iPhone, iPad and your computer, allows you to “Remember Everything.” 1Password is a fantastic piece of software that manages your passwords and confidential financial information. With 1Password, you create one master password, and the software handles everything else. It will create strong, unique passwords for you, remember them, restore them, and allow you to access them whenever and wherever. SpeakWrite, Evernote and 1Password are not unique to Macs, but their availability on and integration with the iPhone and iPad gives Mac the advantage here. IN THE COURTROOM Whether you’re before a judge or arguing to a jury, when it comes to courtroom presentation and organization, Macs truly shine. However amazing your opening statement or closing argument slides may have been in PowerPoint, they will be even more impressive in Keynote.
Many jurors suffer from “PowerPoint fatigue”—repeatedly seeing the same bullet points, the same tired animations, the same backgrounds and themes. And, while it’s possible to get creative in PowerPoint, it certainly is not easy or intuitive. With Keynote, slides come alive. Backgrounds and themes are refreshing and new.
Trial after trial, we have heard positive remarks from jurors that even simple Keynote slides seemed “fresh” and “clean” to them. Things are different for the courtroom for Mac users. Clarity Legal has produced an excellent set of products to provide Mac users with the same functionality and abilities as Sanction and Trial Director, but in a more user-friendly package.
DocSmart, Clarity’s document management and review software for the Mac, allows a user to manage files of all sizes—from those with a few hundred pages to those with millions of records—all in a well-designed, easy-to-use interface. Clarity’s TrialSmart does everything that its PC competition does, but more efficiently. TrialSmart is compatible with all video and document formats, has the same functionality as either Sanction or TrialDirector, but it is designed from the start to be easy to use and intuitive. Many attorneys who report that they need a full-time assistant (or two!) to sit with them to run their TrialDirector systems observe that they are able to run the TrialSmart software themselves, while conducting a cross-examination or closing argument. As an alternative, if you don’t want to bring a laptop computer to court, there are a number of apps for your iPad that will allow you to put on a full-featured, robust presentation to judge or jury right from your iPad! Both TrialPad and ExhibitView allow you to access key documents, use tools like callouts and highlights, and present evidence to a jury just as you would have from your laptop. Something also should be said here about the legendary reliability of Mac computers.
PCs are notoriously finicky in deciding when, how and how well they will work with external monitors, networks and projectors. Trial is the absolute wrong place for this sort of itchy and unpredictable temperament. No one can guarantee that everything will work 100 percent of the time, but with a Mac, you can have a high level of confidence that your equipment will work how, when and where it is supposed to do so. This kind of edge—both in the hardware and in the software—is what gives Mac users justifiable confidence in the courtroom. Even When You “Need” a PC As every Mac user knows, there are just some programs made for PCs that are not available natively on a Mac. For those times, there is virtualization software. By installing this software, you are essentially creating a completely separate computer on your Mac.
You can then install whatever other operating system—from Linux to Windows 7 (or Vista, if you dare)—directly into that new “virtual computer.” Once this is done, your virtual computer runs exactly like a stand-alone, independent computer would: You can boot it up, shut it down, install software on it, etc. The virtual machine uses your existing network settings, mouse, keyboard and other peripherals. So, if you have specialized software that is not available natively for a Mac, never fear! With virtualization software, you’re able to have the best of both worlds. The three best examples of this are Apple’s built-in Boot Camp , Parallels ( and VMware Fusion ( HERE’S HOW TO MAKE THE SWITCH It’s easy to switch from PCs to Macs, in three simple steps.
First, buy your hardware. The new 27-inch iMacs are beautiful desktop computers, but consider also a reliable 15-inch MacBook Pro laptop computer. With an external monitor (or two) at your desk, your portable laptop becomes a capable desktop.
Add an Apple Magic Mouse , a Bluetooth Keyboard , and you’re ready to go. A paperless set-up can be accomplished very easily by adding a Fujitsu Scan-Snap 1500 , which comes bundled with a copy of Adobe Acrobat 9.0. Second, get your software. Every attorney should own a copy of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), as well as a copy of Apple’s iWork suite (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote).
Download a copy of Google Chrome browser. You can use Apple’s built-in for your email, iCal for your calendaring needs and Address Book for your contacts. Third, get going! Plug yourself into your network, get familiar with your new setup and start representing your clients more effectively, efficiently and creatively.
The image is inserted in your Office document. Clip art and copyright The licensing filter ( Creative Commons only or All) can help you choose images that are appropriate for the use you have in mind. (.) When using pictures or clip art from Bing, you're responsible for respecting, and the can help you choose which images to use. Free image library: the Pickit add-in Another option is to install an Office add-in named Pickit that puts free, licensed clip art in Office.
Click a section title below to open it and read detailed instructions. Open the Office app you want to add Pickit it to (Word, PowerPoint, or Excel). On the Insert tab, in the Add-ins group, select Store. The Office Add-ins dialog box opens. In the dialog box, use the Search box to look for Pickit Free Images.
Click the Add button for Pickit Free Images. Close the Office Add-ins dialog box. Pickit may take a few moments to be 'loaded' into the Office app. When it's done, a message appears at the bottom of your app window telling you so. At the far right end of the ribbon, on the Home tab, you'll see the circular pink Pickit icon.
Once Pickit is on your computer, you can find pictures with it as described here:. On the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the Pickit section at the far right, select the Free Images button. The Pickit Free Images task panel opens on the right side of the application window. On the pink toolbar near the top, use the second tab, the Pickit market, to browse for images.
Pickit lets you browse images in several ways:. There's a search box (callout A in the picture) where you can type keywords such as flower, clipart, and business. A set of featured collections (B) just below the Search box. The set includes a Clip Art Characters collection. There are 25 collections (C) organized by Pickit. There are numerous user collections (D) to browse.
There are 35 categories (E) of images (such animals and pets, cities and places, music and instruments, and transportation) you can choose from at the bottom of the task panel. On the Insert tab of the toolbar ribbon, in the Images section, select Clip Art. (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu and the Clip Art icon.) The Clip Art task panel appears on the right side of the application window. In the Search for box, type keywords that describe the art you're looking for. Under Results should be, select the types of media you want included in the search results:.
Ensure that Include Bing content is selected if you're connected to the internet and want images from the web included in your search results. Turning on this option gives you more search results to choose from. (Otherwise, leave that box cleared, and you'll only receive search results from the pictures installed on your computer by Office 2010.). Select Go to start the search. The search results are shown in the task panel. You can scroll vertically if the results don't all fit in the task pane. To see a larger version of a thumbnail image in the result list, or to simply see the image if all that is shown is a small red x placeholder, right-click the thumbnail and select Preview/Properties.
While you're in the Preview/Properties window, you can browse through the images by selecting Previous and Next. To insert a picture in your document, right-click the thumbnail image in the task panel, and select Insert. Once the image is inserted, you can adjust its placement by selecting it and dragging with the mouse.
When you search for clip art and pictures online, you'll be directed to Bing. You're responsible for respecting, and the can help you choose which images to use.
Bing Image Search filters are based on the highly respected system. To better understand the licensing options, see. You're responsible for respecting the rights of others' property, including. On the Insert tab of the toolbar ribbon, in the Images section, select Clip Art. (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu and the Clip Art icon.) The Clip Art task panel appears on the right side of the application window. Open the Search in list to choose where you want to search.:.
My Collections Personal collections you've set aside in Clip Organizer. Office Collections Image collections installed with Office 2007. Web collections. In the Search for box, type keywords that describe the art you're looking for. Under Results should be, select the types of media you want included in the search results:. Select Go to start the search. The search results are shown in the task panel.
You can scroll vertically if the results don't all fit in the task pane. To see a larger version of a thumbnail image in the result list, or to simply see the image if all that is shown is a small red x placeholder, right-click the thumbnail and select Preview/Properties. While you're in the Preview/Properties window, you can browse through the images by selecting Previous and Next:. To insert a picture in your document, right-click the thumbnail image in the task panel, and select Insert. Once the image is inserted, you can adjust its placement by selecting it and dragging with the mouse. When you search for clip art and pictures online, you'll be directed to Bing.
You're responsible for respecting, and the can help you choose which images to use. Bing Image Search filters are based on the highly respected system. To better understand the licensing options, see.
You're responsible for respecting the rights of others' property, including. Click Insert Online Pictures. In the Search Bing Images box, type words describing the kind of picture you want (such as border clip art), and press Enter. Select the image you want to insert, then click the Insert button. Insert Online Pictures isn't available in Excel Online. Excel Online only supports inserting picture from your computer. When using pictures or clip art from Bing, you're responsible for respecting, and the can help you choose which images to use.
Voice clips instead of clip art Looking for information about adding an audio clip to a slide? Feedback If an online clip art library is a feature you'd like to see brought back to Office, please.